Hooray For Blogging!

Well I am going to make this short and sweet. I thought the THANK YOU picture would be the last POW. But I could not bring myself to end on this blogging note with a blurry picture! So I thought I would add this one last minute! Here is the full picture.. cute huh! It is my newphew with his friend from school cheering on his classmate at field day!

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Filed under Personal PRCA 3330

Multimedia Stories

  • I learned that the best multimedia stories are multi-dimensional. And use only high-quality audio. Except when it is really old recordings. I also learned to include photos. Photos can set a mood or introduce a story or section of a story and can be used individually. When using graphics use Flash to animate them. (If you have an IPad you cannot upload Flash! So you will not be able to upload these multi-medias.) Graphics can be the centerpiece of a story.
  • What surprised me was when it said to use text as a medium to fall back on when you are not sure what else to do. It even said to save text for what is left after you have put as much information as possible into other media.
  • I would like to know more about a storyboard. It would be nice to see some examples of storyboards. Maybe even phases of a storyboard in the process of creation would help. The Five Steps to MultiMedia Storytelling course was helpful though in learning the different aspects of a multimedia story. I personally love multimedia stories because they are different then the normal text story. It also appeals to a wide variety of crowd because the visual aspect is involved. I am a very visual learner, so having many forms of multimedia aspects in the story leads me to remember the story more and I can tell my friends about the story. This course was very informational on the different aspects and steps to take on writing or creating a multimedia story. It would be nice to see more examples in each of the steps that you learn about for multimedia stories. Maybe even a video example would be helpful and it would incorporate the aspect of the multimedia use.

(Topic of the Week 14)

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Filed under Topic of the Week PRCA 3330

Agencies and Marketers Suffer

Reading this article, I had no clue of the cracking relationships between marketers and agencies. What scares me in this article is that If I do go the agency route will I be wondering if I will have a job in the next six months because my agency has a troubled relationship with its clients? I can see how social media has taken away some of the enticing options that agencies have to offer. Is it not the time then to get more creative and to show marketers and clients they do need agencies and their new ideas?

(PR Connection 10)

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Yahoo To Find Voice

Alert! Alert! Yahoo will be hiring more journalists. So if you are a struggling journalist or just about to graduate send your resume into Yahoo. The article was very interesting. I look on Yahoo from time to time to check out the home page stories. I never knew that many of these stories were contributed by third parties. I am happy to see Yahoo expanding their Entertainment, Finance and lifestyle divisions because lets face it we are in the age of Hollywood. I also like the fact that Yahoo will be changing its video division to have more original video series.

(PR Connection 9)

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Google Creates Buzz

I agree that Google’s word of mouth advertising has done them wonders. I also like this aspect of their company because it gives the company a more humane side. I mean they are worth millions if not billions of dollars and they have no advertising. That is a true accomplishment. I love how they have different pictures in the google sign for different days. This is a great way to keep fresh the word of mouth advertising. Plus because this free word of mouth advertising, Google does not have to spend as much money in this area. Google continues to fascinate me and I encourage its uniqueness. Check the article out for more.

(PR Connection Eight)

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PR Agencies Failing in Social Media

Okay so I can see how PR agencies are failing in social media. But then I see how influential and prevalent social media is and I cant help but think how are PR agencies failing in this category. In this article I really liked the four reasons PR agencies are failing in social media. I am not a PR practitioner yet, I will be graduating in a year, but the four reasons are valid. I agree that social media should be handled in-house rather than through another agency. Having the connection to your clients and to the public should be kept in the intimate setting. Where you can handle situations in a way your client would approve because you communicate constantly with them.

(PR Connection 7)

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PR Open Mic Night

PRopenmic has so much to offer PR students and recent graduates. When I opened my homepage on PRopenmic I saw a post called Various Job & HR News/ Listings. This was very intersting to see/read because some of its content crossed publicize on Twitter and other PR trade publication websites. I also find it interesting that you can join different groups, I guess you would call it, according to your interest or needs. For example, there was a post on how PR practioners or students, any one for that matter, could joinPR Higher Ed Twibe. From what I can see, PRopenmic is an excellent way to keep in contact with students, teachers, and professionals. It is also a great source for jobs, current news and activities in the PR field and a way to voice your opinions/ thoughts on posts. The first time I learned about the hug from Taylor Swift commotion was from Michelle Blubaugh‘s blog. (By the way love the post!) I knew about the first, two challenges but did not know that she had already went to Auburn University and gave the two creative gentlemen a hug! I learned about the final hug happening here on  PR open mic. I also enjoy that on the side bar to the right they have a music section where you can listen to different social media radio casts.

Honestly I am not sure that I will stick with PR open mic. I feel as if I have so many social media connections already. But I am willing to give it a try. I can see how I would, as well as others would enjoy the options and variety that PR open mic has to offer. As I first go on to the home page of PR open mic I cant help but feel overwhelmed and disorganized. There is so much going on that learning how to navigate through the website might take some time. I feel though that once I learn how to navigate through the website I will be able to take advantage of what PR open mic has to offer and thus I will really enjoy this new form of social media.

(Topic of the Week 9 and 10)


Filed under Topic of the Week PRCA 3330

Social Media Helping Travelers?

Wow, really cool article. Please  read! I do not like that millions of  dollars were lost a long with  millions of people stranded but  what an incredible learning  experience European airlines had  with social media. I was very  surprised to read that European  airlines do not use social media and  that for most if not all was their  first time using social media. I have  to give an A to each European  airline’s PR team for dealing with  this crisis.

(PR Connection Six)

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Distrust in the Government

According to Reuters nearly 80% of Americans say they do not trust the government to do what is right. They go on to say, “Americans are expressing the highest level of distrust in Washington in half a century.” Personally I distrust the government and do not think that they would do what is right. There is so much secrecy and the government is not transparent enough that I am not sure anybody really knows whats going on. So I would like to take a poll:

(PR Connection Five)


Filed under PR Connections PRCA 3330

Tiger Woods Controversy Commercial

Everyone has probably seen this commercial. What a commercial… On the fact that Nike used Earl Wood’s, Tiger’s dead father, voice I find touching. I do not find it creepy or wrong. No matter the content I would think it would be a memorable moment to have a commercial with your father. Personally this commercial was a great idea and caused so much media attention that it accomplished its task of publicity. What are your thoughts? Read this article for what other professionals think on the commercial.

(PR Connection Four)


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